
Who helped Noah build the Ark? [The Genesis Flood Story]

Genesis dedicates more space than the creation account and story of Adam and Eve to the stories of Noah, the flood, and the Ark. Although the flood story is not necessarily more important than other stories in Genesis 1, it is significant and it is reflected in the Bible. One common question that readers ask about the story is who built the Ark of the Gods.

Genesis does not mention if Noah was assisted by anyone, but some scholars believe that Noah had the help of his sons Shem, Ham and Japheth. Many readers believe Noah’s sons believed in God and avoided the corruption of the world, which is why Noah and his wives were on the Ark.

Some scholars believe Noah’s sons might have helped him build his ark. Was Shem, Ham and Japeth able to believe in God as their fathers? What can the Bible tell us about Shem, Ham and Japheth? Continue reading to find the answers to these and other questions.

Did Shem, Ham, Japheth build the Ark?

Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth (Gen. 6, 10). Although the Genesis flood story clearly states that Noah was righteous and blameless and walked with God (Gen.6:9), Noah’s sons and their families survived the flood. This suggests that they had mature faith in God (cf. Gen. 9:26).

Name Significance
Noah “rest”
Shem “name”
Ham Perhaps “hot”
Japheth Possible “enlarge”

Henry Morris, a Genesis commentator believes Noah’s sons survived because they were sinners (Rom. 3:23 They weren’t all wicked like the rest. “Shem Ham, Japheth, and Ham were all born in the century prior to the Flood and had lived their entire lives in a corrupt society. It is amazing that they managed to escape the corruption.

Genesis does not mention how long Noah took to build the Ark. However, it does mention that it took 120 years from the time God announced the judgment (Gen. 6,3), until the flood. It is possible that the construction of the Ark was ongoing throughout this time. It took Noah’s limited resources and tools to build the Ark, which is why it took them around a century.

Noah’s sons, and the construction the ark

Morris speculates on how Shem, Ham and Japheth avoided the evil that permeated the globe. He says that their parents positively influenced him. “Had it been for the example of their godly grandparents and parents, I have no doubt that they would have fallen prey to antediluvian wickedness.” [2]

Morris speculates on how Noah might have protected his sons against the influence of the outside world. “One thing that may have helped them was their father’s dedication to building the Ark and making preparations to the Flood.” [3] It is reasonable to suppose that Noah had some help, considering the size and time required to build the Ark.

It is possible that Shem, Ham and Japheth were saved by working, particularly manual labor. This is not what the Genesis flood story explicitly states.

If Shem, Ham and Japheth remained faithful to God and did not succumb to social norms, it is clear that they held the same beliefs Noah had. They built the Ark because they believed that a global flood would soon destroy the world.

Is Noah supposed to have built the Ark on his own?

God commands Noah to build an ark. He tells Noah to build an ark out of gopherwood. You will need to make rooms inside the ark and cover it with pitch. There is no explicit instruction for Noah to build the Ark. In Exodus, God also tells Moses to build the tabernacle. Moses asks for the assistance of Oholiab (Exod. 31:1-11).

What does the Bible have to say about Shem

Shem was Noah’s second son. Genesis indicates that he was 98 when the flood took place. These are the generations of Shem. “When Shem was 100 years of age, he had Arpachshad to his womb two years after the flood.” (Gen. 11.10)

Shem lived 500 more years after he had Arpachshad. He died at the age 600. “And Shem lived 500 years after he had Arpachshad and had other sons or daughters” (Gen. 11/11).

Noah prophesied that Japheth’s descendants will live in the tents at Shem while Ham’s Canaanites won’t.

Genesis 9:25-27 says, “Cursed is Canaan; a servant among servants shall he he to his brothers.” He also spoke, “Blessed be the Lord, God of Shem” and said, “Let Canaan serve him.” God bless Japheth and allow him to dwell in the tents at Shem. Let Canaan serve as his servant.

The Table of Nations also mentions Shem, his sons. “To Shem also the father of all Eber’s children, the elder brother to Japheth, were born children. The sons of Shem were Elam, Asshur and Arpachshad. Lud, Aram, and Lud” (Gen. 10, 21-22).

Also, see When did Noah build the Ark? for more information.

What does the Bible have to say about Ham or Japheth in its Bible? Below are some examples

What does the Bible have to say about Ham?

Noah’s youngest child, Ham, was born in 1896. He was probably about 96 years old when he was born. [4] Ham is the father of the Egyptians and Canaanites, as well as the Ethiopians and Libyans.

Because they lived in the promised land God promised Abraham’s descendants, the Canaanites are an important part of the Old Testament. The Canaanites disregarded the God of Israeltes, creating problems for many centuries.

Sometimes, the Old Testament uses “Ham” to refer to Egyptians. Psalm 78.51, for example, says, “He struck down all firstborn in Egypt, and the firstfruits their strength in the tents at Ham.”

What does the Bible have to say about Japheth

Genesis refers Japeth to Shem as being older than Shem. “To Shem also the father of all Eber’s children, Japheth’s elder brother, were born children” (Gen. 10, 21).

He is still third on some lists of Noah’s sons. Genesis 6:10 says, “And Noah had three boys, Shem Ham and Japheth.” 9:18 states, “The Noah sons who came forth from the Ark were Shem Ham and Japheth.” Ham was Canaan’s father.

Japheth, like his brothers, survived the flood (Gen.7:7). He also helped Shem to cover Noah’s nakedness following the flood (Gen.9:20-27).

His descendants lived in the tents at Shem, not Ham’s (v. 27). His descendants, according to scholars, occupied the islands of the Gentiles or Hellenes or Greeks including Asia Minor (Gen. 10;5). [5]

“By faith Noah was warned by God about events yet to be seen and built an ark for his family’s safety. He condemned the world, and became an inheritor of the righteousness that comes from faith.” Hebrews 11:7.